Below is a link of a photo that I think all will agree would be lovely to see on the cover of a Romance Novel...,,20287127,00.html
It's of Bret Michaels in Revolutionary Garb in an article called Tales of Passion and looking too hot for the pages...
My writing is going well. Second day of 4000 or more words. It's starting to really hum! I'm up to over 200 pages on this work. I am also enjoying posting my older work on MuseofaMaineWriter for friends to see. It reminds me of why I love to write. I don't like to just write in one time period or genre. If a story presents itself I write it. I have a few paranormal stories that are still on the back burner BUT they will have to wait for now as I can picture three books connected to this currant project.
Well since I have done so much writing this morning I have a ton of house work to do.
I love to write but the house won't clean it self.