A quote from Anne Shirley of Anne of Green Gables

"Marilla, isn't it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet? (Anne Shirley)"
L.M. Montgomery (Anne of Green Gables)

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Sunday, January 30, 2011

Creative Energy

Well it's one of those Sundays. I was able to do a bit of writing this morning then some research on my current book. Then a bit more work. I find I am at my happiest if I can be doing something. If I can get a great deal written on the week-ends then I am happy to do plotting during the week or revisions.
Today I was also able to get some photography in. Going out shopping I was able to capture some shots in Rockport. The first shot was at my door, the rest are in Rockport.

So at least if I'm not writing or knitting I can do some photography.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Wild Fibers Magazine and my book

Well I'm off to work very shortly but had an interesting day. Am working on my copy right for my book. Spoke to my son Bren in Cambodia. It's always good to talk to him. I miss being able to talk to him on a more regular basis.
I went to the office of Wild Fibers Magazine and was met at the door by two Russian wolf Hounds (I think) One was older and more skittish, the other a puppy, very nosy. Just like Echo. The Editor Linda Cortright was there, not out globe trotting. She said she really liked my hat. One of my hats in 'Orange you glad' by Burly Spun by Brown Sheep. We talked about that yarn and company and then about colors and Americans and our hang up on gender colors... Over seas there is no such thing.
Last year my son Ian commented that I was really obsessed with yarn, knitting and anything to do with knitting. I tend to bring my knitting everywhere and get quite yansy if I don't have it to work on if I am just sitting. I don't sit still well...
Well anyway meeting the editor for Wild Fibers was like meeting a rock star. She is just so involved. Loves to find just the right stories for the magazine and travels to the most remote places on this planet. A very cool morning indeed!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Yoga... and Anne Lamott

Well this morning as I was making my tea I was doing my "Morning cup of Yoga" Simple yoga to get me started then do more later. Well I am down stairs in the kitchen, knowing Lucy my Australian Cattle Dog was outside so I could do my Sun Salutation and then going to Downward Facing Dog and MaryKate's puppy comes and gives me a face washing... Normally it would have been Lucy "kissy face" but she was outside... The cats normally stay away or just come up and rub up against my legs as I do my poses but face washing makes it a bit hard.
Reading "Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott again. It's a book on Some Instructions on Writing and Life. I love her humor and love the ideas she gives in this one book. It was a present from my cousin in a low part in my life. She is like me. Always read and always loved to write, to play with words... Something she says in her book in the intro. "Writing motivates you to look closely at life"
That is so true. I am always thinking about what I see and how I can write about it.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

work, knitting and music, cats and plants...LOL!!

Well it's one of my work days that I don't have to be to work till 12:30 so I have the morning to clean, cook and go to the library to get books for my babies because when I get there the little ones look at me and say "got books, Miss Mary?" or just "got books?" They are so sweet. I work with two of the greatest groups in the world. Children and Special Needs adults. Yesterday was a day with my special needs and when I arrived at work the busses and vans were arriving too. One of my clients was getting off loaded and I called his name . He used to be a runner. I don't know the history on why he is wheel chair bound now but he looked at me and gave me that smile and then he yelled and one of the other clients said , "he is really excited to see you Mary." That was un understatement. I love the group I work with though.BUT it can be mentally trying and sometimes physical but I love them to pieces. BUT after a day like yesterday I needed to just relax and listen to music and vegg. My son Ian doesn't understand that after being with Special Needs all day I have 2 hours of down time. I cleaned and cooked then went and sat on my bed and put music on and relaxed. I saw the bus come and drop off the boys, the younger two BUT I just sat quietly. My older two that were at home sensed I needed that down time and so they didn't tell the boys I was only upstairs. So I got that quiet that I needed. :-) Then Ian came upstairs and said "Mom, you're home!!" So then he and I sat and listened to music for a few minutes together. I am trying to educate him on there is more to music then just Eminem. I have his music (the clean lyrics) on my ipod so the boys can listen to and I even have 50cents on there too BUT I am trying to get my kids to listen to a broad range of music.
Knitting... try knitting when you are tired and trying to count stitches. I wish I had a video of me... LOL it must have been funny.
My cats must have had a field day with my plants yesterday while I was at work... LOL I came home to my spider plant that needs transplanting anyway all over the floor. I fixed it, have to transplant today among other plants. Well while I am sitting here, Midnight is climbing into the plant pot of that same plant... no wonder. My supervisor and I were working on plants yesterday, clipping off pieces and I took a whole bunch home. Surprisingly they survived the night.