A quote from Anne Shirley of Anne of Green Gables

"Marilla, isn't it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet? (Anne Shirley)"
L.M. Montgomery (Anne of Green Gables)

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Monday, March 1, 2010

March 1st

Well March is certainly coming in like a Lion!! The wind hasn't stopped howling all day. We lost our power for a bit. Not long enough to fire up the generator. BUT while we were out of power, it was when everyone was getting ready for school and I couldn't find any matches to light the bloody stove for tea!!! Then found 3!!! WOW!!! Do I sound sarcastic or what?? It's a problem when my teens are running off with the matches... LOL!!
My cats don't like this wind. I find myself drawn more to my cats. They talk to me. I talk back. I will be in the store buying cat food and some little old lady will ask how many cats I have and I tell her and then we talk in the aisle about our cats and their antics!! :-) We leave being just about best buddies. I love my dogs but there is something about the cats. They are independent and full of it but they love to snuggle. The dogs are my ears though and I wouldn't be without a dog. I feel far more safer with them then without.
When writing I always have some kind of pet whether it be cat or dog. They are a good part of my stories. They are living and breathing just like the people I create.
Well that's it for thoughts today...

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