A quote from Anne Shirley of Anne of Green Gables

"Marilla, isn't it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet? (Anne Shirley)"
L.M. Montgomery (Anne of Green Gables)

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Thursday, April 5, 2012

Ideas for my books...

Ideas for books come from the strangest places and sometimes out of nowhere. Sometimes they are like a dream that reoccur over time. Sometimes they keep up like a nagging headache till you put down the beginning or plot to let it stew on the back burner, till you can find time to write that story.

I have my second novel in the series of The Kings of Angkor that I have started but had to put on the back burner while taking classes. I now have less then a month to go then I will be done. To say I will be glad to get this done is an understatement. This has been one of the hardest things I have ever done in my life. BUT in that same breath I would say t’s very rewarding because if I can learn something that might someday save someone’s life then it’s all worth it.

So a month from now I can start writing full time.

Today as I powered walked up Chestnut Street which is all hill I did it in 15 ½ min compared to the time I started out at, 22-25 min going up hill. So my way of thinking is if I can get it to 9 min up that blasted hill then I will be cruising on a flat surface. If anything, doing this Fire Fighter 1 & 2 has made me more disciplined and pushed me further then I have ever gone or would have thought I could go back in December. I have overcome obstacles that will only make me stronger.
Does being in this class bring me ideas? No, not really but the music I was listening to this morning was helping me with a book that is on the back burner that is stewing…

What genre do I write? I write historical fiction with romance thrown in. There will always be romance in my writing. But I also have a paranormal manuscripts sitting on the back burner stewing. Always a larger then life, but realistic hero.

Ideas come from songs, newspaper articles, real life situations that might have happened sixty years ago. Some of my favorite times in history are WWII, Medieval , Viking.

A manuscript that is waiting very patiently for me to return to that is finished, is present day and takes place in the Middle East. I love the characters and like my book The Kings of Angkor that will be coming out this June, I fall in love with the characters and the story more each time I read it. When I wrote this book “Return to Me” I was still living in Cambodia. The story itself starts in Cambodia, goes to Afghanistan and then Iraq. I basically got the whole story in a song… Call that strange but I would play this song over and over and each time I would see the two characters more clearly each and every time and then support or secondary characters came in to support the two. What kind of story is it or what would it be classified as. Contemporary love story.

So ideas for stories come from all over and I never know when one is going to jump out at me and beg to be written.

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