A quote from Anne Shirley of Anne of Green Gables

"Marilla, isn't it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet? (Anne Shirley)"
L.M. Montgomery (Anne of Green Gables)

My Blog List

Friday, November 18, 2011

Journey by train to NYC

Well it's 6:13, have been on the train to Boston since 5:45am and was up at 2am! Boy I was not a happy camper when the alarm went off...
As the train gently rocks back and forth we go backwards... Well I am sitting backwards. I will be writing off and on on this trip to NYC. I just love hearing the Choo- Choo sound. It ranks up there as one of my other favorite sounds , fog horns off the coast of Maine ,which I can hear from my house. I love leaving my window open a crack to hear that mournful sound.
Going by rail or train is a much more relaxing trip then by plane. You board then they come and scan your ticket. They just ask who you are, no scrutinizing your ID.
The horizon is just starting to turn a yellow, orange. This is really a very civilized way of travel and less stressful for sure. I will add to this as I go along. 6:25am.

Dover ,NH 6:44 cool... Next stop Durham, UNH

Well I am somewhere in RI.
It was so strange when I got to Back Bay station and could feel and hear the trains underneath. I have never taken a subway and today was the first time... I went from North Station to Back Bay station.
Now we are headed south, the train is going faster, rocking back and forth, the sun is out and it's a very enjoyable ride. The wicked neat thing is there is wireless so I can be on here and the connection is better and quicker then at home.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Working out Scenes

Well it's Saturday night. I got a bit of writing done which makes me feel better then I felt this morning. But I still feel the urge to write and I have things jumbled up, scenes playing out in my head that are wanting attention. What's a woman to do when she works all week, fights to get enough sleep and still has four children(all boys) at home.
So when I am not writing I am working on scenes in my head,then to paper that I later transfer to my laptop. I listen to music, hear tunes throughout the week that inspire me for certain scenes and conversations in my book. It's amazing what I get out of a song.
I have two books that I am writing at the moment. The second in the series of The Kings of Angkor. Also I am working on a book that is set here on the coast of Maine. I also have a paranormal that is on the back burner where I pull out from time to time to work on and then put back. When I have unlimited time to write then I can get these books done in better fashion.
Today while I was writing my cat Midnight decided he needed time with me so up he comes onto the bed and then plops right down on my lap and then goes fast asleep on my arm. Never mind that I had this part I wanted to get out. He wanted to cuddle and my lap was where he wanted to be...
So tomorrow I go to Fire Department training so nothing will get written unless I get up extremely early. Training is at 7am...
Good night

Monday, October 31, 2011

Ghost Hunting 101

I think if most of us admit it, we believe in ghost to some level.
Growing up in New England and now living on the coast of Maine where I think there are probably more haunted houses then anywhere around. Wisscasset Maine on one street has I think four documented houses that are haunted not to mention other places in that town. Bath, Maine, Damriscotta, Maine. Washington County full of hauntings all documented. Now I don't mind if I am corrected on that and if you have places you know of that are documented hauntings then let me know. Also I don't claim to be a "Ghost hunter" or a Paranormal expert. I do though love to hear a good (real) ghost story and have been on a few Haunted History tours and this last week-end spent the night with some other women at a B&B that is haunted .
Did I see anything? No, I didn't. Thank goodness this ghost is not the malicious sort and the couple who run the haunted history tours in the Mid-Coast area have seen or felt the presence of malicious spirits before.
I did first hand feel 'her' presence and she did wake me up which read on my EMF detector. We each had our own room and after having a lovely dinner at the Newcastle Public House we roamed and investigated the basement of this over 200 year old building which housed the said ghost antique shop. We heard a first hand account from one of the cooks and how he felt the presence of 'her' but thought it was his friends upstairs. They were in fact upstairs and he was downstairs with 'her'.
We then went back to the B&B which was just up the hill and began to run EMF detectors in each of the rooms. We took photos which have been known to pick up things that the naked eye doesn't. Finally at midnight we all turned in. Me on the third floor attic room. I set up my EMF detector on the floor away from anything that would set it off and climbed into bed. I told 'her' that If she wanted to visit or chat I was more then up for it Just wake me up so I know of her presence.. My room, the previous B&B owners had a hair brush thrown at them because they wanted to change the rooms color scheme... They didn't. So after my little chat I fell asleep. At 12:57am my detector went off. I jumped off the bed and screamed "shit!" Then seeing my detector pegging I grabbed my camera and took a shot of that. I got up and after picking up the detector I walked around the room to see if I could get any other readings, couldn't so placed it in another spot, crawled back into bed and went back to sleep, soundly. Apparently one of the other women had a small visit from 'her' just after me. My detector went off again at 4:32 but it didn't peg this time just a calm reading. She was getting tired. I know I was. I went back to sleep till 7am when I got up and saw the snow and said "Oh shit!" again and decided it was time to get up and have tea.
The husband part of the team told me later that my visit from 'her' was a passive visit. That it happened when 'she'wanted not when we were expecting it.
I will post some photos later and another story about a visit earlier that night.
Do I believe in ghost? Yes. Would I do this again? I would love to.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Thoughts on this new Spring Day...

Well it's officially Spring but it doesn't feel or look like it. We are suppose to get snow today into tomorrow. Oh well just because it's spring doesn't mean we are going to get balmy temperatures. There are signs of spring though. Last week I saw Crocuses and Snow Drops or Snow Bells coming up in various places around town. My Lilies are showing signs of poking through the soil. Skunks are out which means it's a sure sign of spring...
I am slowly getting editing done on The Kings of Angkor or as Brendan has on one facebook group page, Kings of Angkor or KOA. Another family member has done up two cover examples for my book. I love both. I am hoping to have a bit of control over that when the times comes . The word is getting out there not only about the book but the possibility of a movie. I am looking into ways to get the word out and want to take out a facebook ad when the times comes down the road. I was trying to explain to one of my kids that I will do all it takes to get my book sold . Some authors are quite content to just be regional or only known within their state. I am hoping to get past that. One of my daughters asked me about getting it in the NY Times... I told her every author would love that but to achieve that is some feat indeed but not unattainable...
So these are some of my thoughts on this early spring day.

So I leave you with a burst of color.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Classes and Writing

Well I tried to log into my classes for work but it wouldn't take the information that I provided. So I will have to wait till tomorrow and I'm at work to talk to my supervisor.

Excited that a new Vicki Doudera book will be out. "Killer Listing" is out at Amazon but I would rather wait to buy it at one of our book stores in Camden.
So since it's my day off and I can't start my classes I will write. You don't have to twist my arm I just need to switch gears.

A funny thing happened when Vicki's first book came out. A family member of her's, I think a brother ordered and had shipped her first book to her mother. The only thing was...
We got this Amazon package come to our house. Saw the UPS man drop it on the porch. I went out and at the same time my son Pat came out. He says "What's that?"
I was looking at the package, perplexed that a Amazon package would be coming for me at the house... Pat says "Well open it..." he grabs it not waiting cause I will still standing there perplexed and hadn't looked at the name on the box yet... He opens it up. In there was "A House to Die for". Well that really threw me as I hadn't ordered it or even knew of the author... Then I said to Pat, "Maybe Bob ordered it for me, knowing I love mysteries..." But it was then I flipped over the box and saw the name and the address on the package... It wasn't my name BUT my address. Pat then looked at the book and saw the author's name, he said. "Doudera, Doudera." There is a girl in my class and then as he is talking I get out the laptop and do a search and find out it's the girls Mom. Pat gets on fb and chats with her and we find out the book was suppose to go to her Grandmother who lives down the street. So Pat brought the book to school the next day. Though it was hard to part with a new book...
Fast forward to around Mother's day. Vicki gave a talk at West Bay Rotary. Bob remembering the little incident knew I wanted to now read the book. She had books there for sale and to sign. By the time he got up to her she was all sold out... Then on Mother's Day we were driving by The Owl and the Turtle Bookstore and I saw a sign for her book in the window. We ran in and I found one last signed copy from her book signing a few day before...
I have since been able to talk to Vicki and share all what transpired with her first book. We got a good chuckle over it.
Well now that my fingers are limbered up I will get to work.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

My Book

Will try to get on here in the next couple of days BUT I am working hard at editing my book "The Kings of Angkor : Army of a Thousand Elephants". Though if I like the publishers proposal then I will be going with them .Then they will start looking over my book and then hand it back to me... Well then I am on my way to getting published. I am really excited but being cautious and my son Brendan reminded me about movie rights.
Writing for me is very therapeutic and I can't go for too many days before I have to be writing something. Making notes and getting my thoughts in order for the 2nd book. Now some would say 'You aren't even published yet, why write a 2nd book?' Because I want to and it's my story and my characters and I have to continue their story. I have invested a lot of time in this story, their lives as characters... They are part of me.
I am adding a photo of King Jayavarman VII at The Bayon at Angkor Thom.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Winter doldrums

What's a woman to do who feels like crap. I am stuck in the house with three warring boys, not necessarily at each other but I can hear "Black Ops" going on from the down stairs and the upstairs loft. My youngest is now happy for the moment playing with play dough :-) Otherwise he is quite happy irritating and aggravating his older brothers. And I can't think straight or spell because I am all stuffed up and congested... Whine,whine,whine...!!!
Well it could be worse I suppose. It's just when I feel this bad I can't think and or write and to read and get to read one page is like pulling freaking teeth. One of my sons just came in and got bent way out of shape because I didn't want company.
I have two projects(Books) that I am working on and I am at an impasse. One is just a plain romantic suspense. The other is a historical romance. Plus I am doing research for the sequel to "The Kings of Angkor: Army of a Thousand Elephants". The nice thing about that book is it is sitting at the Copy Right office but also with a publisher right now.
I think what I am going to do is go on a hiatus from writing and just do research. My eleven year old son said the other day when he saw me reading and doing research on my favorite subject, the Apsara's of Angkor Wat. He said "They (meaning the experts in the field of Angkor Wat and Apsara's and Devatas) couldn't possibly know more then you Mom. You have lived in Cambodia..." I went on to explain that is a field of study for them. They have money to do research and can travel to Angkor Wat if they don't already live n the country. I have to do any research by books and the internet. They have fallen in love with the country and now the Apsaras and Angkor Wat. BUT I appreciate his faith in me. His eyes became glazed over soon after I had gotten into detail about the fact that I think along with some of those experts that all of the reliefs are individual portraits of girls at the Angkor Wat Complex.
I can tell you I had quite a few serendipitous moments while writing that book. I had already decided about the characters and how they would be related to one another through the story. It's a story that takes place in the current times and then goes back in time or as a SCIFI relative told me who is only 13. It's a parallel time .(Yes!! He understood). I had to two main male protagonist as cousins in modern day and back in the time of the building of Angkor Wat. Then I find out through more research that Suryavarman II who build Angkor Wat was indeed a cousin to Jayavarman VII. I can tell you I got chills up and down my spine. I had quite a few of those moments.
Well anyway now that I feel better I will get back to research and check on my soup.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Well another snowy morn here in Mid-Coast Maine. Is that surprising? No, not really. They were talking another storm for today last week. I don't think it will be a storm like last weeks but we are getting snow non the less and I get a few more minutes of 'peace and quiet'... like in the movie "What about Bob" that is one of my all time favorites, like when Bob is eating corn on the cob or when he and the son of his doctor are screaming names at each other and his doctor and wife come in and they (Bob and the young son) sit down trying to look like good little boys... and his doctor says I want peace and quiet and Bob says , "Well I'll be quiet' and then the son says "and I will be peace" which makes them all (except the doctor) start to laugh, even the wife.
I had a wonderful day yesterday. Saw an old knitting mentor of mine, got to talk with her. Walked 2 miles. Most of it power walking. Got a lot of writing done. Though it wasn't like 20 pages. I was at some times on my last book putting out 20 pages a day. Sunday I got 10 pages done. Yesterday it was only 3. BUT when writing the 1st draft some days I can fly with the words, other days it's like pulling teeth and my brain is seriously taxed. Yesterday it was working on words and scenes and conversations. Trying to create word pictures... That's where going over my work the next day of writing comes in handy and helps. I always read over what I last wrote. It helps me to get into the story again event though I am still thinking about the book long after I get done writing for the day. Sometimes I go to bed with music that I call my books sound track on my ipod. The other night I went to sleep listening to Beethoven's "Moonlight Sonata". Though it's not part of the book that I am writing now it will be for a later part and scene. It's hard to explain but I know of other writers who do that. They have a sound track for their book, music that just kinda jumps out at them when they were writing. The curent book that I am writing is from listening to WWII era music, Glen Miller in particular and "Moonlight Serenade"
So that's my thoughts for this snowy morning. Some of my boys are up and my cats are sitting here waiting patiently for me to feed them their hard food. I feed them first thing in the morning with their soft food. They plow past me to get to the cellar so they are all lined waiting... they crack me up.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

My thoughts for this morning...

Well we are suppose to be getting the mother of all storms today. I got up at 5:04 am to write...made my tea and sat down. Then I heard a "Mom?" It was my youngest and it was 5:30am... So now I have a very chatty Danny on my hands. No amount of "I'm writing" or "Mommy got up early to write" or "."If you don't be quiet I'm going back up to my freezing bedroom to write,"deters him. Wow, he has been quiet for two minutes...
I have a very hard time sleeping past a certain time. Also there is the fact besides wanting to write that I have my daughter's puppy who will need to get up and out... so I get my sleep knowing I will have to get up early. So what better time to write BUT when the house is quiet and I can piece two thoughts edge wise together in a coherent fashion without being interrupted?? All the boys aren't up, fighting or aggravating one another to distraction. So most are still asleep... ahhh. Thank goodness.
Research is a wonderful thing for me. I will be writing and then a thought will come to me. I am actually glad when these stray thoughts come to me. It gives my brain a break from working out scenes and thoughts. Trying to work inside the brain of one of my characters can be exhausting. Multiply that with working inside the brain of someone of the 1940s and how they would talk, think and or express themselves is not the same as we would today. Things were a much slower pace. Just like I am reading a book to Daniel and to any of the other boys who will listen called "The Winged watchman". Takes place in Holland during the 1940s and the occupation. I had read this book to my older children when they were younger and they really enjoyed it. It makes me think of another book of the same time period, actually a few. I can remember one's title but the other one is a blur and escapes me. Maybe a bit of searching will bring the title and author to mind.
I was reading a book yesterday at work at my desk. it's by Stephanie Pearl-McPhee, better known as the Yarn Harlot. The books title "Things I learned from knitting whether I wanted to or not".
One quote is "You don't knit because you are patient. You are patient because you knit." A monogamous knitter is a rare thing indeed." Meaning and this is where her name comes into play. You will be knitting happily on a project and then you see this seductive little project that just begs to be knitted... SOooo you pick that project up and then another and another... and there you go. I think all of us knitters have a bit of 'yarn harlot' in us whether we want to admit it or not.
Back to research. I was talking to my 82 year old aunt the other day on the phone. Since she grew up in Camden, was a young teen during WWII I wanted her take on what she remembers. So I mailed her a list of questions and she called me. Like where Marshall Hill was on John Street? Since she grew up on John Street and still lives there. We finally figured out through my memories of my other Aunt and Uncle telling me to run across the road to see if the "Holy Rollers" were rolling down the hill... I would run across the street and my relatives would be heard laughing up a storm... We figured it was Josh Marshall's hill who was another relative. I asked her about going out for ice cream sodas, the movies. Where the hospital was. She told me her father was a Air Raid Warden, who would go up and down John Street with a flash light to make sure all lights were out till the "All Clear Signal" was sounded. How black masking tape was put on car head lights on the top to make them dimmer. I wrote to my mom and she is going to write down her recollections of growing up during the war in NYC.
So there you have it. My thoughts for this snowy morning. Somewhat scrambled but there they are .

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Creative Energy

Well it's one of those Sundays. I was able to do a bit of writing this morning then some research on my current book. Then a bit more work. I find I am at my happiest if I can be doing something. If I can get a great deal written on the week-ends then I am happy to do plotting during the week or revisions.
Today I was also able to get some photography in. Going out shopping I was able to capture some shots in Rockport. The first shot was at my door, the rest are in Rockport.

So at least if I'm not writing or knitting I can do some photography.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Wild Fibers Magazine and my book

Well I'm off to work very shortly but had an interesting day. Am working on my copy right for my book. Spoke to my son Bren in Cambodia. It's always good to talk to him. I miss being able to talk to him on a more regular basis.
I went to the office of Wild Fibers Magazine and was met at the door by two Russian wolf Hounds (I think) One was older and more skittish, the other a puppy, very nosy. Just like Echo. The Editor Linda Cortright was there, not out globe trotting. She said she really liked my hat. One of my hats in 'Orange you glad' by Burly Spun by Brown Sheep. We talked about that yarn and company and then about colors and Americans and our hang up on gender colors... Over seas there is no such thing.
Last year my son Ian commented that I was really obsessed with yarn, knitting and anything to do with knitting. I tend to bring my knitting everywhere and get quite yansy if I don't have it to work on if I am just sitting. I don't sit still well...
Well anyway meeting the editor for Wild Fibers was like meeting a rock star. She is just so involved. Loves to find just the right stories for the magazine and travels to the most remote places on this planet. A very cool morning indeed!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Yoga... and Anne Lamott

Well this morning as I was making my tea I was doing my "Morning cup of Yoga" Simple yoga to get me started then do more later. Well I am down stairs in the kitchen, knowing Lucy my Australian Cattle Dog was outside so I could do my Sun Salutation and then going to Downward Facing Dog and MaryKate's puppy comes and gives me a face washing... Normally it would have been Lucy "kissy face" but she was outside... The cats normally stay away or just come up and rub up against my legs as I do my poses but face washing makes it a bit hard.
Reading "Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott again. It's a book on Some Instructions on Writing and Life. I love her humor and love the ideas she gives in this one book. It was a present from my cousin in a low part in my life. She is like me. Always read and always loved to write, to play with words... Something she says in her book in the intro. "Writing motivates you to look closely at life"
That is so true. I am always thinking about what I see and how I can write about it.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

work, knitting and music, cats and plants...LOL!!

Well it's one of my work days that I don't have to be to work till 12:30 so I have the morning to clean, cook and go to the library to get books for my babies because when I get there the little ones look at me and say "got books, Miss Mary?" or just "got books?" They are so sweet. I work with two of the greatest groups in the world. Children and Special Needs adults. Yesterday was a day with my special needs and when I arrived at work the busses and vans were arriving too. One of my clients was getting off loaded and I called his name . He used to be a runner. I don't know the history on why he is wheel chair bound now but he looked at me and gave me that smile and then he yelled and one of the other clients said , "he is really excited to see you Mary." That was un understatement. I love the group I work with though.BUT it can be mentally trying and sometimes physical but I love them to pieces. BUT after a day like yesterday I needed to just relax and listen to music and vegg. My son Ian doesn't understand that after being with Special Needs all day I have 2 hours of down time. I cleaned and cooked then went and sat on my bed and put music on and relaxed. I saw the bus come and drop off the boys, the younger two BUT I just sat quietly. My older two that were at home sensed I needed that down time and so they didn't tell the boys I was only upstairs. So I got that quiet that I needed. :-) Then Ian came upstairs and said "Mom, you're home!!" So then he and I sat and listened to music for a few minutes together. I am trying to educate him on there is more to music then just Eminem. I have his music (the clean lyrics) on my ipod so the boys can listen to and I even have 50cents on there too BUT I am trying to get my kids to listen to a broad range of music.
Knitting... try knitting when you are tired and trying to count stitches. I wish I had a video of me... LOL it must have been funny.
My cats must have had a field day with my plants yesterday while I was at work... LOL I came home to my spider plant that needs transplanting anyway all over the floor. I fixed it, have to transplant today among other plants. Well while I am sitting here, Midnight is climbing into the plant pot of that same plant... no wonder. My supervisor and I were working on plants yesterday, clipping off pieces and I took a whole bunch home. Surprisingly they survived the night.